What is the GEATbx ?
- powerful optimization tool using evolutionary algorithms (genetic algorithms, evolution strategies)
- applicable to a broad range of problems and systems
- comprehensive implementation of evolutionary algorithms for Matlab,
compare on your own using my overview of Evolutionary Algorithms in Matlab
How does the GEATbx work ?
- implements a wide range of evolutionary operators and principles
- all operators and features are fully integrated into one environment
- runs on every Matlab-supported platform (requires Matlab 5.3 or a more recent version,
already tested/used under Matlab 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5.1, 7.0, 7.1),
no platform dependence (runs on Windows, Linux, Solaris, ... without any changes)
Who should use the GEATbx ?
- engineers solving real-world problems
- researchers comparing and developing new algorithms and test functions
- students becoming acquainted with evolutionary algorithms
GEATbx Features
- high level functions to all operators
- broad class of operators
- selection: linear/non-linear ranking, stochastic universal sampling, truncation, tournament, roulette wheel, local selection
- recombination: discrete, intermediate, line, extended line, single/double point, shuffle, uniform crossover, reduced surrogate
- mutation: binary, real valued
- complete support of multi-objective optimization
- PARETO-ranking and goals attainment (using different implementations for extra speed),
see ranking.m
- sharing (fitness sharing in search space) integrated into ranking
- collection of non-dominated solutions during the optimization (archive)
- return of non-dominated solutions in return population
- visualization of multi-objective individuals and solutions
see plotmop.m
- many multi-objective example functions
- population models: global model, regional model (multiple subpopulations) and local model (local selection and reinsertion, different neighborhood structures)
- migration (regional model): unrestricted, ring, neighborhood
- reinsertion: global, regional and local
- multiple strategy support
- real, integer and binary (linear and logarithmic scaling, gray coding) variable representation
- sophisticated visualization
- comfortable monitoring and storing of results
- incorporation of problem specific knowledge (special initialization and problem specific visualization)
- The GEATbx can be completely compiled into C/C++ Code using the Matlab Compiler.
GEATbx Implementation
- m-file implementation
- compatible on all computer platforms
- modular, user-friendly structure
- high entry functions
- many examples and test functions included (ready to run)
- extensive documentation
- default parameter settings
- easily extensible (definition of new operators)
- easy incorporation of problem-specific functions for initialization and visualization
- fully compatible with Matlab 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5, 7.1 (and probably newer versions)