Try the GEATbx before you buy - Evaluation Information
You can try out the GEATbx before you buy.
For the evaluation I send you the complete GEATbx including all m-files and complete documentation,
so that you can evaluate the GEATbx without any restrictions.
However, if you already know you want to buy the GEATbx, please go directly to the
Prices page for ordering directly or the Order page
for further information.
Evaluation procedure:
For evaluating the GEATbx the following procedure has proved to be efficient:
- To receive the GEATbx for evaluation fill out the online order form below.
Or you can send an email to .
This email must contain your full contact information (name, email, university/company,
postal address and optional some information about what you want to use the GEATbx for.).
- I will then send you a copy of the GEATbx (current version) by email.
(You will receive an email message, which includes links for downloading the full documentation:
html-text (zip), images (zip), introduction (pdf) and tutorial (pdf). Another email
contains one zip file: the m-files of the toolbox (zip).
These files constitute the full version of the GEATbx.)
- Once you have received the GEATbx you will have 4 weeks in which to evaluate it.
If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me:
- If you are not satisfied with the toolbox, just send me an email.
Delete all copies of the toolbox. That's it!
- If I do not hear from you within 4 weeks, I will send you an email
asking for the result of your evaluation.
- If you have any questions, please include them in your email.
I do read every email myselve!
Complicated questions may take a few days to answer.
In order to process your evaluation order your full contact information is needed
(I need the name of your institution/company, street, city incl. postal code,
and country in order to be able to send you the GEATbx).
Privacy: Your information is only used for the evaluation process of the GEATbx.
All information is kept confidential. I will not sell, rent or share your personal information to any third party.
After submitting the data a web page will be displayed quoting the information you have sent.
Please double check your email address. If your email address is wrong, I cannot contact you by email.
(Fields that are not marked with * are mandatory!)