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 GEATbx  Objective functions, special plot functions

 Standard benchmark optimization functions (real valued parametric optimization)
 objfun1       - OBJective function for de jong's FUNction 1
 initfun1      - INITialzation function for de jong's FUNction 1
 objfun2       - OBJective function for rosenbrock's FUNction
 objfun6       - OBJective function for rastrigins FUNction 6
 objfun7       - OBJective function for schwefel's FUNction
 objfun8       - OBJective function for griewangk's FUNction
 objfun9       - OBJective function for sum of different power FUNction 9
 objfun10      - OBJective function for ackley`s path FUNction 10
 objfun11      - OBJective function for langermann's function 11
 objfun12      - OBJective function for michalewicz's function 12
 objfun1a      - OBJective function for axis parallel hyper-ellipsoid
 objfun1b      - OBJective function for rotated hyper-ellipsoid
 objfun1c      - OBJective function for moved axis parallel hyper ellipsoid 1c
 objbran       - OBJective function for BRANin rcos function
 objeaso       - OBJective function for EASom function
 objgold       - OBJective function for GOLDstein-price function
 objsixh       - OBJective function for SIX Hump camelback function

 Standard benchmark optimization functions (integer/binary valued parametric optimization)
 objint1       - OBJective function for INT function 1
 objint2       - OBJective function for INT function 1
 objint3       - OBJective function for INT function 3
 objint4       - OBJective function for INT function 4
 objone1       - OBJective function for ONEmax function 1

 Special benchmark optimization functions (real and discrete valued parametric optimization)
 obj4wings     - OBJective function FOUR-WINGS.
 objfletwell   - OBJective function after FLETcher and PoWELL
 objfractal    - OBJective function Fractal Mandelbrot
 objridge      - OBJective function RIDGE

 Multi-objective functions
 mobjfonseca1  - Multi-OBJective function: FONSECA's MO-function 1
 mobjfonseca2  - Multi-OBJective function: FONSECA's MO-function 2
 mobjbelegundu - MultiObjective Function: BELEGUNDU's function (constrained)
 mobjdtlz1     - MultiObjective Function: Deb, Thiele, Zitzler, Laumanns' multiobjective function 1
 mobjdtlz2     - MultiObjective Function: Deb, Thiele, Zitzler, Laumanns' multiobjective function 2
 mobjdtlz3     - MultiObjective Function: Deb, Thiele, Zitzler, Laumanns' multiobjective function 3
 mobjkita      - MultiObjective Function: KITA's function (constrained)
 mobjquagliarella - MultiObjective Problem: QUAGLIARELLA's function
 mobjcantilever - Objective function for multiobjective cantilever beam system

 Multi-objective functions with constraints
 mobjdebconstr - MultiObjective Problem (constrained): DEB's constrained function
 mobjsoland    - MultiOBJective function for SOLAND function (constrains as objectives)

 Functions to solve TSP (travelling sales person) problems
 objtsplib     - OBJective function for the traveling salesman library
 plottsplib    - PLOTing of results of TSP optimization (TSPLIB examples)
 objtsp1       - OBJective function for the traveling salesman example
 tsp_readlib   - TSP utility function, reads TSPLIB data files
 tsp_uscity    - TSP utility function, reads US City definitions

 Functions to solve VRP (vehicle routing) problems
 objvrp        - OBJective function for the vehicle routing problem
 plotvrp       - PLOTing of results of VRP optimization
 vrpconvind    - Conversion of individuals in routes and routes in individuals for the VRP
 vrpgetdata    - Get the data for the example vehicle routing problems 

 Example double integrator
 objdopi       - OBJective function for DOuble Integrator
 plotdopi      - PLOTing of DO(Ppel)uble Integration results 
 initdopi      - INITialzation function for DOuble Integrator objdopi
 simdopi1      - M-file description of the SIMULINK system named SIMDOPI1
 simdopiv      - SIMulation Modell of DOPpelIntegrator, s-function, Vectorized

 Example Linear quadratic / Harvest / Push cart problem (dynamic optimization)
 objlinq       - OBJective function for discrete LINear Quadratic problem
 objlinq2      - OBJective function for LINear Quadratic problem 2
 simlinq1      - M-file description of the SIMULINK system named SIMLINQ1
 simlinq2      - Modell of Linear Quadratic Problem, s-function
 objharv       - OBJective function for HARVest problem
 objpush       - OBJective function for PUSH-cart problem

 Example Car steering (lateral control)
 objauto2      - OBJective function for lateral AUTO controller system 2
 plotauto      - PLOTing of AUTO lateral control results 
 res_auto_good_1 - different best results from optimizations

 Special case objective functions
 objteststr1   - OBJective function: Structure Testing AND
 objswtest1    - OBJective function for de jong's FUNction 1
 objfun168     - OBJective function as combination of 3 standard obj. functions
 mobjrandobjv1 - MultiObjective Problem: Pohlheim-Bagot random-valued multi-objective function 1
 mobjbahinconstr - MultiObjective Problem (constrained): BAHIN's constrained function
 objsharifi1   - OBJective function for 5-x1^2-2*x2^2-x1

 Helper function(s) for lectures
 lectcmd1      - CoMmanDs for LECTure for live introduction of EA optimization
 objlive1      - OBJective function 1 for live introduction of EA optimization in lecture
 objlive2      - OBJective function 1 for live introduction of EA optimization in lecture
 plotobjfun    - PLOTing of OBJective FUNction data during optimization

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (