Documentation of visuminmaxdiff

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Function Synopsis

[DataMin, DataMax, DataDiffScaled] = visuminmaxdiff(DataIn, OptMinMax)

Help text

 Compute minimum and maximum of provided data and a scaling difference between both

 Compute minimum, maximum and difference between both of provided data,
 employ some special scalings to the difference value. Additionally,
 only a certain percentage of the data points can be used to compute the 
 maximum, thus excluding the worst points during minimization.
 The results are used for scaling the axes limits in a very tight manner
 and adding a small (empty) area around the data (preventing data points
 to lay exactly on the axes).
 All possible exceptions (minimum and maximum are identical, NaN, Inf, or 0 
 at the same time) are handled here. This function returns even for these 
 cases "useful" values (DataMin = 0, DataMax = 1, DataDiffScaled = 0.02).

 Synatx: [DataMin, DataMax, DataDiffScaled] = visuminmaxdiff(DataIn, OptMinMax)

 Input parameters:
    DataIn    - Vector/Matrix with variables
    OptMinMax - (optional) Options (both options may be omitted): 
                OptMinMax(1): Data2Use4Max, scalar 
                OptMinMax(2): scalar with scaling value for difference (used for small area of
                       axes added to maximum/subtracted from minimum value)
                       if omitted, 0.02 (2%) is used
                OptMinMax(3): scalar with scaling value, if no difference between minimum and 
                       maximum (this ensures error free axes scaling)
                       if omitted, 1e-5 is used
              - (optional) Structure containing non-standard options
 Output parameters:
     DataMin  - Scalar containing minimum of whole vector/matrix
     DataMax  - Scalar containing maximum of whole vector/matrix
     DataDiffScaled  - Scalar containing scaled difference between minimum 
                       and maximum, checked for zero minimum and scaled accordingly
 See also: visuplot, resplot

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by
GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (