Documentation of resplot

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Function Synopsis

resplot(FigName, PlotOpt, Chrom, VLUB, IndBest, ObjV, ObjVBest, ObjVAll, SUBPOPAll, PosSubPopAll);

Help text

 RESult PLOTing of GEA Toolbox optimization

 This function plots most of the results of the evolutionary
 algorithm during computation.

 Syntax:  resplot(FigName, PlotOpt, Chrom, VLUB, IndBest, ObjV, ObjVBest, ObjVAll, SUBPOPAll, PosSubPopAll)

 Input parameters:
    FigName   - String containing name for plot figure
    PlotOpt   - (optional) Vector containing plot parameters
                PlotOpt(1): Generation - (optional) scalar containing the
                               number of the current generation
                            if omitted or NaN, Generation = 1  is assumed
                PlotOpt(2): PlotStart - (optional) scalar containing start
                                generation for plotting results.
                            if omitted or NaN, PlotStart = 1 is assumed
                PlotOpt(3): PlotMask - (optional) scalar containing
                            binary mask for used plots
                           (1: plot; 0,2,3,...: no plot) 
                PlotOpt(4): PlotStyle - (optional) scalar containing
                            integer mask for style of every plot
                PlotOpt(5): LocalDimension - (optional) see comploc
    Chrom     - Matrix containing the chromosomes of the current population.
                   Each row corresponds to one individual.
    VLUB      - Matrix describing the boundaries of each variable of the individuals.
    IndBest   - Matrix containing the best individual (variables) of each
                   generation. Each row corresponds to one individual.
    ObjV      - Vector containing objective values of the current generation
    ObjVBest  - Matrix containing the best (and average) objective values of each
                   generation, [best value per generation, average value per generation]
    ObjVAll   - Matrix containing all objective values of all generations,
                   each row corresponds to one generation
                   gen 1: [objvalind_1(1:numobjval)  objvalind_2(1:numobjval) ...;
                   gen 2:  objvalind_1(1:numobjval)  objvalind_2(1:numobjval) ...;
                   gen n:  objvalind_1(1:numobjval)  objvalind_2(1:numobjval) ... ]
    SUBPOPAll - (optional) Matrix/vector containing number of individuals
                   per subpopulation/number of subpopulations of all generations
    PosSubPopAll - (optional) Matrix/vector containing positions of subpopulations
                   of all generations

 Output parameter:
    no output parameter

 See also: geamain, compdiv, compplot

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by
GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (