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GEATbx: Options 3 Selection options

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3 Selection options


This option contains the name of the selection function (name of m-file).


The value of selection pressure determines the fitness assignment and is used by the ranking algorithm. Fitness assignment is always done by ranking (there is no function for proportional fitness assignment).


This option defines the generation gap, the fraction of the population to be reproduced every generation.


This option defines how much parents are replaced by the produced offspring. The reinsertion rate is only active when the Selection.GenerationGap is larger than the reinsertion rate.


This option sets the employed ranking method (fitness assignment). Employ this option only when the ranking method should be set to non-linear ranking for a Selection.Pressure <= 2.


This option defines the use of multi-objective ranking (fitness assignment). Employ this option only when the objective function uses/returns multiple objective values and multi-objective ranking should be employed.


This option sets the employed reinsertion method (selection of offspring for reinsertion in reins).


This option determines the number of dimensions of the population when using the local population model (the use of the local population model is defined by using sellocal as selection algorithm (Selection.Name) for the respective subpopulation).


This option determines the topology of the neighborhood when using the local population model. The calculation of the neighborhood is done in comploc.


This option determines the largest distance to neighbors or the number of neighbors when using the local population model, depending on Selection.LocalTopology.

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This document is part of version 3.5 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2004 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (