Documentation of mutswaptyp

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Function Synopsis

NewChrom = mutswaptyp(Chrom, VLUB, MutOpt)

Help text

 MUTation by SWAPping variables of identical type

 This function takes the individuals of the current
 population and mutates each indivdual by swapping variables 
 of the individual. Only variables of the same type (same 
 boundaries of domain, for instance, binary, signed and unsigned char,
 signed and unsigned integer, and real variables with the same 
 boundaries) are exchanged/swapped.
 Currently, only one exchange per individual takes place (mutation rate fixed 
 to 1/number of variables).
 If mutation is 1/Nvar or larger, every individual is mutated ones.
 If mutation rate is > 1/Nvar, additional mutations (swap of 
 variables) are performed. That means, for some individuals
 more than one swap of variables takes place. A mutation rate
 of 2/Nvar produces (statistically) 2 swaps of variables per 

 The mutation range and precision are used for all mutations.
 The resulting population is returned.

 This mutation operator may be used with every variable 
 representation, as long as the swap of the variables with identical 
 boundaries makes any sense. The mutation operator just exchanges/swaps 
 the variables, no change of the variable value is performed.

 Syntax:  NewChrom = mutswaptyp(Chrom, VLUB, MutOpt)

 Input parameters:
    Chrom     - A matrix containing the chromosomes of the
                current population. Each row corresponds to
                an individuals string representation.
    VLUB      - Matrix containing the boundaries of each variable.
                not used here, necessary for compatibility with
                real valued mutation
    MutOpt    - (optional) Vector containing mutation options
                MutOpt(1): MutRate - number containing the mutation rate -
                           probability for mutation of a variable
                           if omitted or NaN, MutRate = 1/variables per
                           individual is assumed
                MutOpt(2): MutRange - (optional) number for shrinking the
                           mutation range in the range [0 1], possibility to
                           shrink the range of the mutation depending on,
                           for instance actual generation.
                           if omitted or NaN, MutRange = .2 is assumed
                MutOpt(3): MutPreci - (optional) precision of mutation steps
                           if omitted or NaN, MutPreci = 8 is assumed

 Output parameter:
    NewChrom  - Matrix containing a mutated version of Chrom.

 See also: mutate, mutswap, mutexch, mutreal, mutbin, mutint, initip

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.5 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2004 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (