Documentation of initpop

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Function Synopsis

[Chrom, VLUB] = initpop(PopInit, Nind, VLUB, InitOpt);

Help text

 INITialization of POPulation (including innoculation)

 This function initializes the population with individuals
 taken from the provided input matrix PopInit.
 This initialization function checks, if the number of
 varibales of the individuals from PopInit is identical
 to the number of variables defined in the boundaries
 array VLUB.
 Additionally, based on the provided individuals similar 
 individuals are produced and included into the 
 population Chrom. The level of randomization and the number
 of unchanged individuals in the population Chrom can be 
 controlled by the options in InitOpt.
 When PopInit is empty, standard random initialization of the
 individuals is done (depending on VariableFormat).

 Syntax:  [Chrom, VLUB] = initpop(PopInit, Nind, VLUB, InitOpt)

 Input parameters:
    PopInit   - Vector or matrix containing the initial individuals
                   may be any number of individuals
                if PopInit is empty, a uniform at random initialization
                   of individuals takes place
    Nind      - Number of individuals to create at all
    VLUB      - Matrix containing the boundaries of the variables
    InitOpt   - parameter for initialization
                InitOpt(1): InitVariableFormat
                            format/representation of variables (real, integer, 
                            binary), see options of GEATbx (VariableFormat)
                            standard: 0 (real variable representation)
                InitOpt(2): InitRand
                            level of randomization of (innoculated) individuals
                            0: no randomization, no similar individuals are produced
                           >0: randomize individuals using the following equation
                               (randn/4 * InitRand * domain of variable)
                            standard: 0.25
                InitOpt(3): InitNindKeep
                            keep preinitialized individuals in population (unchanged)
                            0: keep none of them
                            > 0 (max 1): scalar (percentage of population size) how 
                               many individuals from PopInit to copy to Chrom
                            standard: 0.2 (keep not more than 20% of individuals
                                      in final population)
                InitOpt(4): InitNindUniform
                            create some individuals uniform at random in defined 
                            domain of variables (boundaries VLUB) - uses the 
                            standard init functions initrp, initip, initbp and initpp
                            0: create none
                            > 0 (max 1): scalar (percentage of population size) how 
                            standard: 0 (creatze no individuals uniform at random)
                               many individuals to create uniform at random
                   if InitNindKeep+InitNindUniform > 1: InitNindUniform is reduced
                   if 1-InitNindKeep+InitNindUniform > 0: this defines the percentage
                       of individuals (InitNindRand) to create by innoculation with 
                       the provided individuals in PopInit und randomization 
                       defined by InitRand

 Output parameters:
    Chrom     - Matrix containing the individuals of the current
                population. Each row corresponds to one individual's
    VLUB      - (optional) Matrix containing the (new) boundaries of the 
                variables (not changed here), same as input parameter


 % Preparation for all examples:
 %    create initial individuals and corresponding boundary matrix
 >> popinit = repmat([1;2;3;4], [1, 7]);
 >> vlub = repmat([0;10], [1, 7]);

 % Get a uniform at random initialized population with 25 real valued individuals
 >> newpop = initpop([], 25, vlub)

 % Get a uniform at random initialized population with 25 integer valued individuals
 >> newpop = initpop([], 25, vlub, 2)

 % Create a preinitialized population of 40 individuals with standard options
 >> newpop = initpop(popinit, 40, vlub);
 % Get an impression of the distribution of the individuals
 >> plot(newpop');

 % Create a preinitialized population of 60 real valued individuals,
 % keep all initial variables (InitOpt(3) == 1), create fully (uniform) random 
 % individuals (50% of population size = 30 ind.) and create also innoculated 
 % individuals (reminding individuals) in an area of 40% around the initial ind.
 >> newpop = initpop(popinit, 60, vlub, [0, 0.4, 1, 0.5]);

 % Create a preinitialized population of 50 real valued individuals,
 % keep no initial variables (InitOpt(3) == 0), create only innoculated 
 % individuals in an area of 20% around the initial individuals
 >> newpop = initpop(popinit, 50, vlub, [0, 0.2, 0, 0]);

 See also: initrp, initip, initbp, initpp, geamain2

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.5 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2004 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (