Documentation of findfiles

Global Index (all files) (short | long) | Local contents | Local Index (files in subdir) (short | long)

Function Synopsis

[PathFileList, FileList, PathList] = findfiles(SearchFileMask, SearchPathMask, SearchRecursiv),

Help text

 Find Files regarding a search mask 

 This function searches for files in the current directory /
 a given directory: The serach can be recursively, depending 
 on the provided parameters.
 The search mask is relatively simple (just '*' as wildcard).

 Syntax:  [PathFileList, FileList, PathList] = findfiles(SearchFileMask, SearchPathMask, SearchRecursiv)

 Input parameter:
   SearchFileMask - String or cell array of strings containing the file mask
                       to search for {'*.m'; 'ma*'; '*am.mat'}
                       if omitted or empty '*' is used
                       if NaN (not a string): search for all directories
   SearchPathMask - String or cell array of strings containing the path
                       to search on
                       Each path may contain as many masks (*) as necessary
                       and also on lower levels {'v:\ge*\pl*\fritz'}, the extension 
                       of the * is handled by the function
                       special strings: '' or '.': current directory
                       if omitted or empty '.' (current directory) is used
   SearchRecursiv - Scalar indicating recursiv searching or not
                       0: do not search recursively
                       1: search recursively
                       if omitted or empty 0 (no recursiv search) is used

 Output parameter:
   PathFileList- Cell array of string(s) containing the path and name of the found files
   FileList    - Cell array of string(s) containing the name of the found files
   PathList    - Cell array of string(s) containing the path of the found files


   % Search in directories gea*\gr* and in geaobj for files with mask *an*.m and *objfun1*.mat
   % not recursively
   >> [pfl, fl, pl] = findfiles({'*am*.m'; '*objfun1*.mat'}, {'gea*\p*', 'geaobj\gr*'});
      pfl = 
      fl = 
      pl = 

 See also: dir

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.5 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2004 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (