Documentation of demogeatbx

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Function Synopsis

[xout, GeaOpt] = demogeatbx(ObjFun, OptVariant, NumVar)

Help text

 DEMO for GEATbx, standard functions

 This function provides an example for using the GEATbx for 
 the optimization of standard test functions.
 It contains a simple menu driven selection between many objective 
 functions and 3 different evolutionary optimization methods.
 Many of the useful options of the GEATbx are defined and changed,
 most of them just for providing an example.
 This function can be started from the command line defining
 the menu choices as parameters (see examples below).
 This function can be compiled with the Matlab compiler (at least R12).
 The necessary function pragmas are defined (and the GEATbx also
 includes the necessary pragmas). Yes, this function works 
 as an external program on the operating system prompt.
 Syntax:  demogeatbx(ObjFun, OptVariant, NumVar)

 Input parameter:
    ObjFun      - Scalar indicating the objective function to use
                  if omitted or NaN, a menu will be shown with the 
                  possible options

    OptVariant  - Scalar or string indicating the optimization method to use
                  when scalar:
                     1: globally oriented optimization (multiple subpops)
                     2: globally oriented optimization (1 subpop)
                     3: locally oriented optimization
                  when string:
                     name of parameter file (including path and 
                        extension when necessary)
                  if omitted or NaN, a menu will be shown with the 
                  possible options
    NumVar      - Scalar indicating the number of variables to use 
                     for the specified objective function
                  if omitted or NaN, the number defined inside the 
                     demo function will be used 

 Output parameter:
    xout        - Vector/Matrix containing best/all individuals of last 
                     generation - including best over all generations
                     in first row
    GeaOpt      - Structure with all options

 See also: geaoptset, geamain2

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.5 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2004 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (