Documentation of compplot

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Function Synopsis

[OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5] = compplot(WhatTask, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10);

Help text

 COMPute PLOT things of GEA Toolbox

 This function computes diverse special things used during plotting.

 Syntax:  [OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5] = compplot(WhatTask, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10)

 Input parameters:
    WhatTask  - String containing the name of the needed computation
    P1 - P10  - Parameters needed for the specific computations

 Output parameter:
    OP1 - OP5 - Output parameters, specific for every computation

 Possible functions:
    WhatTask == 'set_linestyle'
       Set style of lines using default styles or using the supplied (P2) styles
       P1     - Vector containing handles of lines
       P2     - (optional) Vector or matrix of line styles to use
       no output (result is contained in the changed properties of the handles)

    WhatTask == 'set_linewidth'
       Set width of lines using default width or using the supplied (P2) widths
       P1     - Vector containing handles of lines
       P2     - (optional) Vector or matrix of line widths to use
       no output (result is contained in the changed properties of the handles)

    WhatTask == 'set_axespositions'
       Compute positions of subaxes in a given area
       P1     - Vector with 2 scalars defining the number of subplots
                in both dimensions
       P2     - Vector with position data (similar to grafic handle position)
       OP1    - Matrix with each line containing position of sub-axes

    WhatTask == 'scale_variables'
       Scale variables according to boundary matrix
       P1     - Matrix with variables
       P2     - Matrix with boundaries of variables
       OP1    - Matrix with scaled variables, in area [0, 1]

    WhatTask == 'plot_init_pop'
       Plot a simple graphic of the distribution of the start population (special initialization)
       P1     - Matrix with variables of (initial) population
       P2     - (optional) String with extended info for figure name/title of axes

 See also: resplot

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.5 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2004 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (