Documentation of ranking

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Function Synopsis

[FitnV, RankV] = ranking(ObjV, RankOpt, SUBPOP, Goals);

Help text

 RANK-based fitness assignment, single and multi objective, linear and nonlinear

 This function performs single and multi objective ranking of objective values. 
 Linear and nonlinear distribution of the fitness values is possible.

 Syntax:  FitnV = ranking(ObjV, RankOpt, SUBPOP)

 This function ranks individuals represented by their associated
 cost, to be *minimized*, and returns a column vector FitnV
 containing the corresponding individual fitnesses. For multiple
 subpopulations the ranking is performed separately for each
 subpopulation. Different size of every subpopulation and multiple
 strategies are supported.

 Input parameters:
    ObjV      - Column vector/matrix containing the objective values of the
                individuals in the current population (cost values).
                if a matrix, multiobjective ranking assumed (at the moment
                only singleobjective ranking - however, this is transparent)
                each row corresponds to the objective value/s of one individual
    RankOpt   - (optional) If RankOpt is a scalar in [1, 2] linear ranking is
                assumed and the scalar indicates the selective pressure.
                If RankOpt is a 2 element vector:
                RankOpt(1): SP - scalar indicating the selective pressure
                RankOpt(2): RM - ranking method
                            RM = 0: linear ranking
                            RM = 1: non-linear ranking
                            RM = 10: multi-objective with linear ranking
                            RM = 11: multi-objective with non-linear ranking
                If RankOpt is omitted or NaN, linear ranking and a selective
                pressure of 2 are assumed.
                When RankOpt contains multiple rows (as many as subpopulations),
                each row contains the parameters for one subpopulation. 
                If RankOpt is a vector with length(RankOpt) > 2 it containes
                the fitness to be assigned to each rank. Then it should have
                at least the length of the longest subpopulation (or as many 
                entries as rows in ObjV). Usually RankOpt is monotonously
                decreasing. Rank 1 is the best individual!
    SUBPOP    - (optional) Vector/scalar containing number of individuals
                per subpopulation/number of subpopulations
                if omitted or NaN, 1 subpopulation is assumed

 Output parameters:
    FitnV     - Column vector containing the fitness values of the
                individuals in the current population.

    % It is assumed in these examples, that the variable objv contains a 
    % column of objective values.

 >> ranking(objv)
    % This performs linear ranking with standard selective pressure, all objv 
    % are taken from individuals in one population

 >> ranking(objv, [], 4)
    % The same as above, however, the objv are from 4 subpopulations

 >> ranking(objv, [1.5])
    % Use linear ranking with selective pressure 1.5

 >> ranking(objv, [1.5, 1])
    % Use non-linear ranking with selective pressure 1.5

 >> ranking(objv, [1.5 1; 2.5 1; 1.5 0], 3)
    % Use different strategies for every of the three subpopulation. The 
    % first subpop works with nonlinear ranking and SP=1.5, the second uses
    % nonlinear ranking with SP=2.5 and the third linear ranking with SP=1.5.

 >> ranking(objv, [1.5; 2.5; 1.5], 3)
    % Similar to above, ranking method is computed internally. If SP > 2, 
    % nonlinear ranking is used, else linear ranking

 See also: selection, compdiv

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.3 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2000 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (