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2.2 Linear-quadratic system Contents2.4 Push-cart system

2 Optimization of dynamic systems

2.3 Harvest system

The harvest system [Mic92] is a one-dimensional equation of growth with one constraint:
x(k+1)=a·x(k)-u(k), k=1,2,...,N; such that x(0)=x(N).
The objective function for minimization is therefore defined as:
f(u)=-sum(sqrt(u(k))), k=1:N.

The exact solution can be analytically found by:

Figure 1 shows the control vector for the harvest system with N=20.

Fig. 1: Optimal control vector for the harvest system with N=20

Optimal control vector for the harvest system with N=20

This function is implemented in objharv.

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This document is part of version 3.3 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2000 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (