Documentation of chkbound

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Function Synopsis

NewChrom = chkbound(Chrom, ChkOpt, VLUB, BoundOut)

Help text

 CHecK the boundaries of variables and set to boundaries when outside

 This function takes the variables of individuals and checks, if  
 the variables are inside the defined boundaries. If not, the
 variables outside the boundaries are set to values inside 
 the boundaries.
 An additional input parameter may define special variables, which 
 could extend ouside the defined boundaries.

 Syntax:  NewChrom = chkbound(Chrom, ChkOpt, VLUB, BoundOut)

 Input parameters:
    Chrom     - A matrix containing the chromosomes of the
                current population. Each row corresponds to
                an individuals string representation.
    ChkOpt    - (optional) Vector containing check bound options
                ChkOpt(1): ChkReset - number containing the reset
                           method for variables outsider boundaries
                           0: reset variables to boundaries
                           1: reset variables uniform into 10%-area
                              from violated boundary
                           if omitted or NaN, ChkReset = 0 is assumed
    VLUB      - Matrix containing the boundaries of each variable.
    BoundOut  - (optional) matrix of same size as VLUB, every value 
                   defines, if the respective variable may "violate"
                   the defined boundaries
                 0: no vioaltion of boundaries possible (variable
                       values outside the boundaries will be reset)
                 1: variable values outside boundaries allowed

 Output parameter:
    NewChrom  - Matrix containing the new individuals.

 See also: geamain2

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.3 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2000 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (