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GEATbx: Options 11 Objective function options

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11 Objective function options

All options in this subsection are used to define/store properties of the objective function to solve: function name of the objective function, an optional description, the boundaries of the variables, additional parameters etc. The objective function name and the boundaries of the variables can also be defined by including the appropriate parameters when calling geamain2. Then these options are set inside geamain2.


This option defines the name of the objective function. The name is exactly the name of the m-file (without the extension .m).


This option defines the boundaries of the variables. The definition of these values is important for a useful optimization. The defined values span the search space of the optimization. These boundaries are hard constraints (exceptions can be defined with System.ObjFunVarBoundOut). By defining the boundaries the number of variables is given as well. This option is often referred to as VLUB (Vector of Lower and Upper Bounds).


This option contains the additional parameters of the objective function (inside an cell array). The number of additional parameters is not limited.


Using this option, the defined variable boundaries may be changed from hard boundaries to soft boundaries. A value of 0 defines a hard bound, a value of 1 a soft bound. This option is used inside chkbound to reset (or not) variables outside the defined boundaries. The initialization of variables is always done inside the defined boundaries (irrespective of the settings in System.ObjFunVarBoundOut).


This option defines the goals of multiple objective values and is used in multi-objective optimization.


This option defines the/one known minimum of the objective function (best objective value). This option is used for termination (when a given objective value is reached).


This option defines a textual description of the objective function. Currently, this option is not directly used inside the GEATbx.

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This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (