Documentation of gearunstatus

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Function Synopsis

[StatusScreen, StatusFile, HeaderScreen, HeaderFile] = gearunstatus(GEAOpt, ObjVBestAll, IndBestAll, PosSubPopAct, WhatTerm, StatusTimes, OutputTextHeader)

Help text

 Prints RUN STATUS of GEA Toolbox nicely formatted into a string

 This function takes a geaoptions structure and many other parameters
 and creates a long string containing the run status of the current

 Syntax:  [StatusScreen, StatusFile, HeaderScreen, HeaderFile] = ...
          gearunstatus(GEAOpt, ObjVBestAll, IndBestAll, PosSubPopAct, WhatTerm, StatusTimes, OutputTextHeader)

 Input parameter:
    GEAOpt    - Structure with all possible parameters of GEATbx
    other parameters see geamain2

 Output parameter:
    StatusScreen - String containing the status info for screen
                      if OutputTextHeader is input and only one output,
                      StatusScreen contains the new OutputTextHeader
    StatusFile   - String containing the status info for file
    HeaderScreen - String containing the header info for screen
    HeaderFile   - String containing the header info for file

 See also: geamain2, geaoptset

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by
GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (